Couch searching crack addicts

Kory Edwards
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

I absolutely love reading about success stories whether they help me in my business or not. Success inspires success in others.

Because of that, I recently bought Mike Lindell’s book What are the odds? From crack addict to CEO. If you’re not familiar with Mike, he’s the CEO of My Pillow…a pillow company.

Anyway, during Mike’s path to successful CEO he talks about a low point of being out of crack and searching through the cushions and underneath a couch for any unsmoked piece of crack cocaine rock to get a high.

Ironically, it’s called “farming” in drug terms. Which reminded me of real estate agents “farming” a neighborhood for leads or the desperate salespeople scavenging the internet for any kind of sales tip to improve their sales.

You see a lot of these freebie seekers following the big name sales goo-roos hoping for another free piece of candy to hop into their windowless van.

It’s sad.

Anyone with that level of desperation will carrying the sense of desperation into their sales appointments as well…and nobody likes a desperate person.

The nice thing is, I provide the perfect solution for the “farming” stench of desperate salespeople in my new book Top Secret Selling Basic Course.

It’s available very soon. But no, it’s not free. In fact, for a book it’s not even cheap. Expect to pay $47 unless you’re an a daily email subscriber.

Frankly, the impact this book will have on your sales career would make even the most skeptical buyer willing to pay much, much more.

You can sign up for my daily emails for a huge subscriber discount once released.

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Kory Edwards

aka El Grandulón



Kory Edwards

Kory “El Grandulón” Edwards is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, MBA graduate and former Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) Officer.