Love is in the air…or maybe just the Florida humidity

Kory Edwards
1 min readFeb 12, 2021

Valentine’s Day is approaching and love is in the air…or maybe it’s just the Florida humidity.

Ever wonder why we all fall for this Hallmark holiday?

I mean, maybe I’m just a grumpy old gringo…but men will easily spend $60+ on flowers that will die within days.

Tens to hundreds of dollars they will spend just to poop it out hours later.

Even a simple bottle of wine results in you literally peeing away your hard earned money.

So, what’s a better way to prove your undying love for your cookie bear???

The biggest complaints couples have is a lack of good communication and financial strain.

BUT, yours grumpy has the perfect solution for both.

There’s only less than six hours left for you to get my new book Top Secret Selling Basic Course for a 40% discount.

In it you’ll learn better communication skills for the sales appointment and the bedroom.

And when you make more sales, your cookie bear will be excited for you to spend yet more money on flowers and dining on dates.

Get it ASAP, before the discount fades away like Cinderella’s go-cart (that’s what it was, right?) turning into a pumpkin. Or something like that.

Right here:

Kory Edwards



Kory Edwards

Kory “El Grandulón” Edwards is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, MBA graduate and former Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) Officer.