The names and faces change…

Kory Edwards
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

Way back when I was an active duty soldier in the United States Army, I had a wise old curmudgeon of a drill sergeant who told me, “Private, the names and faces change, everything else stays the same.”

This war-hardened infantry sergeant first class had spent many years in the Army and a few years training the revolving door of new recruits entering basic training.

His point was, there are only so many personalities in any group of people, office or organization. As he moved from unit to unit and later basic training class to basic training class he noticed that each group seemed to have new faces, but there were only so many personalities amongst them and they seemed to repeat themselves even if the names and faces changed.

The tip stuck with me over the years through my military career, civilian intelligence officer career, dating and marriage life and even as I entered sales.

If you work in sales, you probably know the feeling of meeting new people every day and just regurgitating a memorized script or closes. It works well for consistency of sales and closing ratios whether you’re a good salesperson or are struggling to get sales.

But it leads to the same results over and over again — good or bad.

The key to breaking out of the routine and increasing your sales is to go beyond just the standard vomiting of your memorized script and magic closes.

The great salespeople know how to read the person in front of them, file them into very specific personality categories or profiles, use proven elicitation techniques to find out what they want…and give it to them.

In the intelligence field, we use a variety of psychological and personality profiling methods from Meyers Briggs to DISC to others. In sales, the easiest way to quickly assess a person involves these but also a process of collection called PAMSSA.

I’m guessing you’ve probably never heard of PAMSSA. That’s fine. Because I have all the information you need in my newly released book, Top Secret Selling Basic Course. Whether it’s reading a prospect at a sales appointment, collecting vital information for your marketing or setting yourself up for referrals and a continuing relationship with a paying customer, PAMSSA solves them all.

You’ll learn all about PAMSSA and much more in the book, which you can purchase right here:

Since it’s a new release, I have a limited number of autographed copies I’d be happy to send to you. But buy it now before those copies run out!

Kory Edwards



Kory Edwards

Kory “El Grandulón” Edwards is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, MBA graduate and former Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) Officer.