They tickled my brain (again…and NOT in a good way)

Kory Edwards
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

Not sure about you, but I enjoy someone or something that can stimulate my brain…but this wasn’t fun.

As I’ve been making my way from an undisclosed location 9,000 miles away in Afghanistan I decided to take the scenic route!

I flew from Afghanistan to Dubai (the first PCR test), then Dubai to Amsterdam (the second PCR test), then Amsterdam to Bogota (yet another PCR test) for some R&R and dental work, I’m beginning to feel a bit violated!

Then Colombia started talking all that noise about closing air traffic (land and sea borders already closed) I decided to adapt my vacation by shifting to the Dominican Republic.

Hey…better beaches and amazing scuba diving right?

Thankfully, another PCR test was not required. But alas, after 10 days here in nearly-mask-free DR it’s time to head home to Florida.

You guessed it…ANOTHER PCR test!

All this tickling my brain with a q-tip got me thinking. How often do people bounce from course to course, seminar to seminar and book to book without actually feeling their sales training itch was properly scratched?

Probably quite a bit. And people get tired of forking our yet another few hundred dollars for a tiny gold nugget of value from the annoying sales goo-roos and their slimey tactics.

With my new book, Top Secret Selling Basic Course we’re building a community of better sales training. It ain’t free, but you knew that already.

We’ll have the book up for sale on Amazon very soon for an affordable and underpriced listing at $47. But you, as my daily email subscriber get a special offer. Purchase the book by this Friday at midnight Eastern time and you’ll not only save 40% but also get an autographed copy.

You can get right here:

It could easily be resting in your eager fingers by 8 MAR. Then you begin to learn the ways the most elite salespeople in the world (the U.S. intelligence community) sells treason, sedition and life threatening risk to help keep us safe.

Get your copy today before the 100 autographed copies sell out!

Kory Edwards



Kory Edwards

Kory “El Grandulón” Edwards is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, MBA graduate and former Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) Officer.