This post could potentially save you from divorce, horrendous pain, sickness or even death.

Kory Edwards
5 min readFeb 23, 2021

Awhile back I was talking to a good friend who is a local police officer nearing retirement. I was planning to start my own training company and exploring possible client bases who could benefit from my 23 years of intelligence and marketing experience. As an experienced police officer and detective who works child abuse and molestation cases, Sara knows law enforcement inside and out.

“What is the biggest thing lacking in law enforcement training today? What’s the biggest need?” I asked her.

She went into a long discussion about possible needs; however, the first thing to roll off her tongue quickly was how to communicate with people. We live in a world where most people under age 35 spent a lot of time online or playing video games. It’s not like the old days where yours grumpy spent all day (until the street lights came on) outside roaming the neighborhood, city or even nearby towns riding bicycles, playing, and interacting with other people.

“These younger officers don’t have any idea how to read people correctly, recognize body language, motivations, trigger points or even just normal communication. The result are more incidents of police escalating situations, a public soured on law enforcement and even deaths. They need help.” She told me.

Now, under the Big-C, it’s even worse. Kids and college students aren’t even attending classes, adults are fearful of interacting with people and with a mask being worn…forget about it.

Couple poor communication skills with poor salesmanship and you’re talking about a LOT of people struggling not just to communicate but to make a good living. So much of our lives — dating, marriage or professional lives — depend upon good communication skills. Especially if you work in sales!

Probably the biggest concerns you and I have are:

1. High rates of divorce and infidelity. If we can’t communicate, understand each other and assess people correctly, our personal relationships are doomed before they even begin.

2. Like it or not, there will likely soon be some version of nationalized health care soon. Having dealt with military and VA health care for most of my life, believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It helps to be able to afford private health insurance and treatment.

It’s a great reason for boosting your income, and with W2 wages and salaries stagnated, the only way to do that is by learning sales. Whether you use that knowledge in your day job to be a better employee and service provider, use it on a side hustle or in a commission only sales job…it helps everyone.

These changes will affect any niche industry or opportunity. Even if you’re a doctor, surgeon, hospital, real estate agent, are self employed or work for someone else.

It’s time to step up your game!

Maybe you agree with me and think the prospects of all these changes is horrifying.

Maybe you disagree and think the Great President Kamala will create a utopian “democratic socialist” country where everyone is happy and everything is fair.

Personally, I think it will get horrifying at all kinds of levels and impact all parts of our lives. Especially if you own a small business or work in sales.

Call me dramatic, but that’s why despite working 12 hour days, 7 days a week in Afghanistan trying to keep our troops safe from insider threats, I took the time to write my first book.

Call me a drama queen…but I had you in mind.

Like every mission I’ve had in my long career, whether mentoring young intelligence officers, running operations, selling real estate part time or even selling home improvement products and launching my own business during a break from the gruel of the intelligence community and deployments…I wanted to help others.

You’re probably not familiar with what intelligence officers do. Especially those of us that work in human intelligence (the real spy stuff). So, here’s what you’ll get in my new book Top Secret Selling Basic Course:

On page 19 I explain how I applied my intelligence training to sales to earn over $32,000 in my first month selling home improvement products.

I give you the #1 secret why you fail to close sales or get cancellations. You know how gut wrenching this can be…especially when you need the money. How many more sales appointments are you willing to blow by not getting the sale. And at what financial cost? Page 55 shares that secret weapon.

Page 59 begins to explain how you can get more leads for free and put your marketing on steroids.

I show how you can turn a prospects motivations into your own rock solid closes that get you the sale almost every time. It’s right there on page 78.

I teach you how to become a master of observation on page 87.

You’ll learn to quickly assess personality types on page 92.

I’ll even show you how to get your prospects to thank you for taking their hard earned money…especially if they are very skeptical and difficult to close (page 110).

Lastly, I explain how you can run your own “spy-ring” and get rich doing it. All explained on page 117.

Granted, this is a basic course…but this book alone can significantly boost your income. Look, it’s not free. I’m not one of those sleazy sales goo-roos (slimey bastards) trying to peddle you magic scripts and closes for you to memorize. I’m a well trained communicator fromt he most elite sales force in the world — the U.S. intelligence community.

Now that I’m officially retired and back in the great U-S of A, I want to help.

The bad news, it’s not the price of a regular piece-of-crap sales book you burn through every few days. So, don’t expect that.

The good news, it’s much cheaper and more entertaining than a college textbook that you’ll use for a couple of months and then resell at a huge loss because it’s not worth keeping on the bookshelf.

This book WILL make you money. If you apply it. If you master it.

There’s only one way this knowledge goes from my beefy hands to yours…click HERE:

I’ll personally sign it and ship it out to you right away.

Kory Edwards
aka El Grandulon



Kory Edwards

Kory “El Grandulón” Edwards is an author, entrepreneur, marketer, MBA graduate and former Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Counterintelligence (CI) Officer.